Diary of a Beholder

The film shows twelve days in the life of Jacek Sroka. The story is based on the diary, or rather, an anti-diary of the artist, mixing the artistic with the intimate; distance with proximity; the imagined with the supposed. The world of the artist's paintings and his personal life permeate each other, while privacy in his work gains universal value.

Language of the film – its “third protagonist" – oscillates between documentary narrative (the story about the pictures) and magical realism (compelling animations), finding its own expression, rich and surprisingly broad: we follow the camera through the nooks and crannies of the house, the studio… and the artist's imagination.


60-minuts documentary picture, realised in Krakow in co-production with grafiQa and Krakovia Producciones. 
Awards: Intermedia-globe GOLD, Intermedia Special Award - MAGIC EYE for The Best Cinematography and Intermedia-globe GRAND AWARD - The Best Documentary at World Media Festival 2017 in Hamburg

Read more on: www.diaryofabeholder.com



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